
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Your Personality Style Description: calvin is an optimistic individual. He is the type of person who loves exploring new places or things and a wide variety of experiences. He tends to display a natural charisma that draws others to his charm. calvin is a very encouraging person; others are drawn to him because they find him inspirational.

A loyal friend, calvin is patient and caring when attending to the needs of others. He is usually an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. He tends to be quite predictable, sticking with proven, reliable methods of dealing with situations rather than taking chances with a new, unproven approach.

Neat and orderly, others usually see calvin as practical. He needs adequate information to make decisions, and he will consider the pros and cons. He may be sensitive to criticism, and will tend to internalize his emotions. calvin likes to clarify expectations before undertaking new projects, and he will follow a logical process to gain successful results.

Because he cares about how others feel, calvin may feel uncomfortable making decisions that strongly affect others. He typically encourages others to be involved in the decision making process and prefers to work in a team role. Others tend to see calvin as agreeable and humble.


My Biblical Personality Style:

Inspirational & Intuitive: As an "I" style, your personality is similar to Biblical heroes like the Apostle Peter, Barnabas, Abigail and Miriam. All of these people had charisma; and with their ability to encourage and inspire others, they were popular people to be around. Peter was the natural spokesperson for the twelve apostles, Abigail went and spoke to David on behalf of her foolish husband Nabal and inspired David to take the high road in a bad situation.

Personal growth areas for the high "I" style include gaining a sense of balance in all they do since they tend to always see the positive side of things and sometimes underestimate the difficulties that lie ahead. Peter, who proclaimed he would never deny Christ, had no idea of the events that would cause him to lose his confidence, deny knowing Christ, and then feel rejected. Yet Peter regained his passion and purpose and fifty days later stood in front of thousands and boldly told of all the things that had happened. Peter quickly was regarded as one of the early church leaders, and was a great evangelist and gospel writer.


Some say delieverance is not for the now.I say that is crap.because i just experienceed it so strongly and tangibly that it has to be real and for us TODAY.

I went to both services and both ministry sessions during this weekend with Pastor Mike Connell.

I can tell you it was the one best meeting i have ever attended since i dunno when!!!!!I felt manifestation even during the preaching...i felt churning within me and i didnt know wat it was.

When I went up...i already felt light-feeted?.really just a little force would have just hit me down.I could barely stand straight when i was in the prayer line.

THEN it came.The Holy Spirit and Jesus the Deliverer came RIGHT INTO MY BODY AND SOUL,driving all the "things" in me out.Coughing and me feeling a strong heat indicated it was no longer I.But CHRIST who lives in me.

After this great experience....i have know learnt I must release forgiveness...if not the demons will come back and proclaim they have a right to be in me.

I have learnt to forgive from the bottom of my heart and i will not be hurt by this matter again.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006


OH!!!!!!!!!i have the mp3 of song written by ME and RICO.

Please kindly ask around for the mp3 and circulate haha

Contact me at calvin_phua@hotmail.com for the songs!

Thank you.

Monday, July 24, 2006


A Sermon From A Teacher

Havent blogged in a long time

Mr Phoon from our school...yes! that one.

He was talking to me and two other latecomers.It was like a sermon...though he said it was not...

Freedom and Responsibility
F for freedom and R for responsibility.

F and R are on the see-saw of life...when we are young...F is small and R is also small.We only have the R to study as students.As we grow older...our parents want us to live on our own two feet.

Growing up...we want the F to be as big as possible.but with the more F you have...the more R u take up.If F grows bigger...There is much more R to take...

However remember all things must be balanced and if F is big...R should be big to counter the weight of F.Responsibility shows how much u mature and that will gain you more F from parents and other authority figures.

How simple it may be.But it struck a string in my heart...

With all these things happening now....my parents and all are overseas....me and my sister have took up a great responsibilty and have to take care of the house...finances,food and any other stuff...stress and pressure have come upon my once "study only" life.

Look like i have to take it up upon myself to go through this time.With God by my side and the Holy Spirit within me....there is nothing that is too big for Him.

Cant wait for another time of just pressing into God's presence...as i learn how to really worship God...that will bring upon the Presence of God when i play the guitar.Strengthening my Spirit-man will make me grow STRONGER and I will press unto that higher call!!!

That was long huh=)

Friday, July 21, 2006


Glorious is my King!!!

I have been blessed ever since I have been committed to the Will of God.Commitment is the key to showing your maturity and determination to continue on an interest or a task i've been given.

God is SO GREAT!All my guitars are given to me by my father's friends and my uncle=)I believe they did not want to give me...but God moved them to give me their guitars...haha...even though they are worth 1k or more!(morris)

My faith level has increased during these 3 to 4 weeks since i came back to Singapore...I have learnt to focus on the promises and not on the disappointments.As I go down further into a life with Christ....I believe the Holy Spirit will instill more of Himself in me!!!

I have been writing another song now...with myself this time...ive thought of all thats happen...and well even in times of need we still have to praise God!There will be a preview of the song soon.When i get it done=)

I am going to go for my own cell group meeting now.Its gonna be POWER today!!!!!
See you readers soon!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Divine Appointment

Never in my life has such a greater cause opened my eyes...

God is my Abba father and no one can stop my from getting nearer to Him!

I have SOMETHING extra that not anyone has...the FREEDOM

I will be like a daniel!strong start AND finish!!!

I will not fast-forward anything except growth in God

Everything is placed by God and it is appointed for me=)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Vent...now Bent

Anger,fatigue and disappointment is overcome by just one line.

He is FAITHFUL when i am faithless!!!!

Do not ever step over my boundaries.You will know when u do when i cut you off my circle of friends and nver talk to you.

Hypocrites SUCK.

that felt Good....anyway....i claimed my healing when Pastor Che Ahn was the speaker and ministered to the congregation...he stirred up the faith i had to receive my healing!

The toe will get better with time to come...God has breathed His breath on it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Stress?Long time no see...

Ever wondered whether Phua would break down?!


i am super tired...tired of living just the normal life...its just dry and unsatisfying...wats a life without surprises and pleasant treats...life may not be a bed of roses...at least make it a bed of tulips or something...have something pleasant to talk about...if not dun talk to me!

Really need a break...never in my life ive ever been so tired and dry...

Lord fill my Cup and make me whole!
Take my life and make it BOLD!

off to charge my batt with GOD!WHOOSH!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How Now?

i was searching through my stuff and i found an mp3 player!my dad must have changed the old spoilt one for it=)well its 4 gb...and with my songs gone ill have to ask everybody for songs!


These words went through my mind as i didnt go to school today...just because i overslept.Had the time..

Was quite down and this song really encouraged me...now ya...just gonna live happier and grow stronger!I know my God WILL pull me through=)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

New song!!!!!

this song is composed by me and rico....copyright laws apply=)

Carry On_

When all around me Crumbles,
Even when I Stumble.
You were there.
and you gave me the strength
the strength to soar

Chorus :
You're my strength when all else fails,
you were there to pick me up.
and i carry on.
because of you.

When all around me Crumbles,
Even when I Stumble.
You were there.
and you gave me the strength
the strength to soar


Bridge :
and I'll sing,
for all youve done
i'll sing


because of you
because of you
because of you

I carry on...

Send Your Power Today

iq,eq,pq...and lastly RQ...

i think this message is just the Word E412 and N353 needs...SOME people actually...the message really meant something to them...but why were they not there to hear it!!!

Multiplication is just another step in life...a stumbling stone will be a stepping stone if we adorn the right attitude and be positive...always look on the bright side of things...anyway most of us are from the same school...and the rest still exist...still can call or sms...growth often makes you leave something behind...make you hurt...after the hurt you are another level higher!He will never leave you nor forsake you

They should have been there!the message was so suitable...But its ok...ill just see them "die"...they will crawl back to the Lord!

Still the Lord will bring us together according to His Will!One day...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

sucks man...3st sucks

hypocritical...two faced!ARGH! man....aiyo i cant stand it u know...irritating people...cant stand them anymore....ANYWAY

school is getting boring..and my class sucks...cant get happy even if i wanted to...i just cant really be around my classmates...well almost all of them...i think i really should have gone to other classes man...so many of them la!even churched...same church somemore...aiyo...just cant stand...i know they try but its not enuff...

when time calls for me to blog...ill blog again

Saturday, July 01, 2006


well its one week in school...not a very good start la..went back to typical classes...so boring...the new teachers...aiyo...i think i gave a bad impression and the teacher also made a bad one on me

Day to day same schooling days...kinda sucks man...super super super tired after having training since the last time i had training was 3-4 months ago..stupid broken toe...

i cant even bother blogging la...wasting time....ill rather live my life