
Friday, September 14, 2007

Left or Right?Mars or Venus?Logical or Emotional?

Left or Right?Mars or Venus?Logical or Emotional?
How different are the two sexes, Male and Female? Are they just merely a man and his rib? Or are they the creation of a thousand years of "evolution"? Whatever the reason, there are tons of differences between a Man and a Woman.

Firstly, and most obviously, there is a large difference between a man's physical body and a woman's. But not only is the difference skin deep, there are many differences underneath that layer of annoying irritation. The male hormones are highly reactive, highly volatile and much more one dimensional than their female counterparts. But however awesome the female may sound, the saying goes, everything has pros and cons. Having a good thing here might mean a bad thing somewhere else. No one's perfect right?

Just take a step further. It's not just the physical aspects of the two sexes that are different. A large amount of thinking, that happens in the neurological system known as the Brain, occurs to have differences when comparing a male and female. The male works on logical thinking, where he is brought into belief by mere sight and internal comprehension from the scene in front of him. The female, however, does not have just logic, she has a significantly larger use of her emotional brain. This part of the brain not only tells her to believe what she sees, it takes it a step further by being able to transmit signals that affect body language, consciousness and overall well being. This means that more often than not, a woman can better control her feelings and according to popular belief, will live longer compared to a man.

Superiority has always been an issue. Scientists believe that every foetus is female in the most early stage of pregnancy, usually within the first few week. Only after a certain period, under certain conditions, that the foetus will slowly transform into a male baby. However, the Holy Bible states that Man, or more specifically Adam, was more important. So important that a woman had to be made out of Man's rib.

Legend has it that males are superior. But we must sit on the fence on this issue. Women have definitely proved themselves worthy of gaining superiority over certain man. But, with the emotional aspect taken in, a stressful decision might be made better by a man than a woman, seeing that the decision needs a logical answer.

If you ask me, a man will take a lifetime to understand a woman. This constant curiosity and desire to know more, if genuine, will spark off relationships that bind through, till death does it part.

This will be one of the many snippets of my mind that i will upload onto my blog. Please feel free to argue your point, I'm very open to discuss any issues. Tag it and I will reply to it a.s.a.p.

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