Ah. I'm back with another piece of information.
It's about this question. "Right or Wrong? Love or Hate?"
Let's talk about the ever constant issue with our beloved parents nowadays. Teenage relationships.
Firstly, advantages. As you might know, love is blind. And trust me, I've witnessed too much of blind love in my short 16 year life span. Many times the love either dies out or in rare cases, exists till marriage and throughout life. The latter might be a good thing to many, but i love going against the grain and give an unexpected answer. Therefore, I say that teenage relationships are actually good, to a certain, very small extent. Do not get me wrong, I might say it's good and all but I do not intend to get attached anytime soon. However, we must look at the "beneficial" side to teenage relationships.
Your parents might not agree to the fact that you have a girlfriend/boyfriend at the age of say, 13-16? But having a partner shows your character. Where, you might ask? Well, to start off, loving is not about how much you proclaim, how much to give. It's a willingness to pull out the I in yourself to turn all your attention to that person. Be it a couple's love or a family's love, that's how it works. Also, you can give without loving but can't love without giving.
So if you think what I just wrote is rubbish, beseech my next sentence. GIVE! Give not only to your loved ones, give to anyone who is willing to accept your love. Where your treasure is, there your heart is also. Right? For that to be true, your giving must not be superceded by your profession of love. Of course, giving does not just include your finances. It can include your time, affection, feelings and pretty much anything you can give.
I've been talking so much about giving haven't I? Let's change the topic. What's in the mind of the opposition? Why do people reject to teenage relationships? You might want to cross these few examples you've probably heard from your parents before.
1. Too little money/no steady job
2. Still schooling
3. Not mature enough
4. Insecure around the opposite gender
5. Insensitive to another person
Out of the five, you've probably a 3 right? These reasons are the most common and generic reasons or should i call them...excuses? However, if you really lack in a point, I'll advice you not to try getting attached.
Being in a relationship takes up alot of your strength. Someone once told me, "Loving your partner is like God loving you.'' Can you imagine that? You have to be "God" to your partner! You have to provide, just as you did to birds, an amount of love that no words can describe. No amount of measurement can measure. You have to achieve that before a true relationship begin.
So there's your answer. Please don't go blindly into any relationship without the proper preparations, in your heart and lifestyle. If you're gonna hurt you partner in the relationship. Please, do yourself a favour and don't try. Remember, Love is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
That wasn't so bad huh? Till next time.
Friday, September 21, 2007
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1 comment:
Good stuff Phua.
Well, other trends to take note of.
1. "I love you". This phrase is probably THE most abused on planet earth. Boys and girls spout 'I love you' as if its free. "I love you daRlIng, 4eVa and eVa". Ugh (Now, before you condemn me as being supremist, I'm sad to say I've been there and done that). I'm sorry to burst the bubble but love is not exactly cheap.
Yup, its not the warm fuzzy feeling of cotton candy, birds and honey. Love is hard work, commitment and sacrifice.
Questions to ask before you shoot your mouth saying 'I love you'
1. Are you ready/willing to die for that person?
What?! Are you nuts? Die for that person? I'm not even ready to pay for her shopping. Strange then isn't it, that we say we love one another. Then you ask, is that possible? Why yes.
I believe most married couples are willing to die for each other. Wait a minute Josh, I'm not even thinking about getting married to this person. Then might I ask, then get attached FOR WHAT?! If a boy girl relationship is not intended for marriage, than it is simply a self absorbed game between two immature persons. Remember, love is sacrifice.
Woah, that was intense, maybe I should have kept that for last.
Question 2.
Whoops, there are no more questions cos if you can answer that, your on your way!
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