
Sunday, July 30, 2006


Some say delieverance is not for the now.I say that is crap.because i just experienceed it so strongly and tangibly that it has to be real and for us TODAY.

I went to both services and both ministry sessions during this weekend with Pastor Mike Connell.

I can tell you it was the one best meeting i have ever attended since i dunno when!!!!!I felt manifestation even during the preaching...i felt churning within me and i didnt know wat it was.

When I went up...i already felt light-feeted?.really just a little force would have just hit me down.I could barely stand straight when i was in the prayer line.

THEN it came.The Holy Spirit and Jesus the Deliverer came RIGHT INTO MY BODY AND SOUL,driving all the "things" in me out.Coughing and me feeling a strong heat indicated it was no longer I.But CHRIST who lives in me.

After this great experience....i have know learnt I must release forgiveness...if not the demons will come back and proclaim they have a right to be in me.

I have learnt to forgive from the bottom of my heart and i will not be hurt by this matter again.


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